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A native of Wangcheng, Hunan. A non-genetic inheritor, a master of Hunan embroidery. The founder of Xixiang Ji Xiang embroidery brand. Founder of Poems and Books Embroidery Series.

  • 湖南望城人

  • 非遗传承师,湘绣名家。

  • 惜湘纪湘绣品牌创始人。

  • 诗书绣意系列作品创始人。

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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Economics.Classical poetry researcher, not a famous poet.A native of Yuyao, eastern Zhejiang, living in Changsha.He has been engaged in the teaching and creation of classical poetry for a long time.His works are scattered in authoritative publications such as "Poetry Magazine" and "Chinese Cifu".He is good at five or seven words and rules, and has won several gold medals in national poetry competitions.

  • 文学学士,经济学硕士。

  • 古典诗词研究者,非著名诗人。

  • 浙东余姚人,寓居长沙。

  • 长期从事古典诗词教学与创作。

  • 作品散见于《诗刊》、《中华辞赋》等权威刊物。

  • 擅五七言律绝,数获全国性诗词大赛金奖。

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Member of Hunan Calligraphers Association.Member of Hunan Young Calligraphers Association.Dean of Yixuan Calligraphy Training College.Member of Yuelu Seal Society.Graduated from Nanjing Normal University, majoring in calligraphy, under the tutelage of Zhou Yufeng and Liang Peixian.Good at regular script, official script, Zong Wei Jin, Fa Tang Song, still natural, academic style is remarkable.Its students and disciples are located in Jinan University, China Academy of Art, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Jiangsu Normal University, Hunan First Normal University and other institutions.He has created more than 1,000 pieces for poetry, calligraphy and embroidery, and has achieved remarkable results.

  • 湖南省书法家协会会员。

  • 湖南省青年书法家协会会员。

  • 逸轩书法培训学院院长。

  • 岳麓印社社员。

  • 毕业于南京师范大学书法专业,师从周玉峰,梁培先二位先生。

  • 擅长楷、隶书,宗魏晋、法唐宋,尚自然,学院派风格显著。

  • 其学生、弟子遍布暨南大学、中国美院、西安美院、江苏师大、湖南第一师范等院校。

  • 为诗书绣意创作已达千余幅,成果斐然。

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Nvshu heir.Representative of the People's Congress of Yuhua District, Changsha City. Secretary of the Party Branch of Yuhua Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum.Director of Xiaoxiang Ailian Nvshu Culture Research Institute.At the beginning of 2016, she took Nushu on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of Hunan Cheongsam, China, and performed for the first time the Chinese intangible cultural heritage Nushu culture "Pin Mo Xiaoxiang"; won the first prize of the "Home Letters to Ten Thousand Gold" competition held by the Hunan Women's Federation in 2017, and the 2020 Hunan The Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism held the “Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival Net Red Live Streaming Contest” and the top ten in the province; Hunan Satellite TV’s public channel “Hanmo Family Style” column broadcast two episodes of exclusive interview reports in October 2017, which was hailed as a female book by the media industry The first person in cultural communication, he was awarded the honorable title of "Lei Feng-style" artist by China Lei Feng magazine.

  • 女书传人。

  • 长沙市雨花区人大代表。

  • 雨花非遗馆党支部书记。

  • 潇湘爱莲女书文化研究院院长。

  • 2016年初带着女书登上中国湖南旗袍春晚舞台首次演绎中国非遗女书文化《品墨潇湘》;曾荣获2017年湖南省妇联举办的“家书抵万金”比赛一等奖、2020年湖南省文旅厅举办“非遗购物节网红直播带货大赛”全省十强;湖南卫视公共频道“翰墨家风”专栏2017年10月播出两集专访报道,被媒体界誉为女书文化传播第一人,被中国雷锋杂志授予“雷锋式”艺术家光荣称号。